Cultivation and agricultural plants.

Cultivation service in photovoltaic greenhouse facilities and realization of agricultural plants.

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Design, realization and management

With the companies of Set Sviluppo srl and SetEnergie srl groups we design, realize and manage agrivoltaic plants. In cooperation with Consorzioquattro s.c.a.r.l. we offer agronomic consulting.

Research and Development

We conduct research activities into the way of farming by developing sustainable and innovative cultivation techniques.


Across the whole Italian territory,
synergy between photovoltaic plants and agricultural production.


Active greenhouse plants


Cultivated hectares


Plants in a vegetative and productive state

With SetEnergie srl and SetSviluppo we design, realize and manage agrivoltaic plants.

Continuous experimentation and constant monitoring enable to
register important data in terms of sustainability.
Plant 1 Scalea (CS)
Plant 2 Scalea (CS)
Plant 1 Cassano allo Ionio (CS)
Plant 2 Cassano allo Ionio (CS)
Plant 3 Cassano allo Ionio (CS)
Plant Villapiana (CS)
Plant S.Angelo Di Celle (PG)